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Interview With Lou Taylor - August 2nd at 8 PM

Catch Aleigha Butler's interview with special guest Lou Taylor, a recording artist who has released many songs.

Find the interview here:

It's All About Me Part 2 - July 16th

Meet Jay R who will never forgive his father for walking out on him and breaking his promise that he would give his life for him. His controlling Mother convinced him that SHE alone has the best formula for him to make quick and easy money. She constantly ingrained into him that education and charity work would not make him successful in this world.  He made it to the top of his business empire using his street smarts and good looks. He is proud to live in his world without extending a helping hand to anyone in need.


Later in life, he is at the brink of death and is in need of a bone marrow transplant. Being that the people in the community knew about his evil ways, will anyone have the heart to step up and give him another chance in life to become a law-abiding citizen with purpose?

 Queens United For the Great Awakening June 25th

Women's Empowerment to awaken the sleeping queen and bring forth the queen who's been hiding in the background. It's your time to awaken!


Queens United For the Great Awakening will speak to the queen, awaken, and announce to others that it is time to arise.


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